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One of the things I ask before hiring someone – and I’d expect to be asked myself – is, “What are you passionate about?” And please don't say ‘advertising.’ It’s a bit too contrived.


I firmly believe that in order to be passionate about your work, you need to be passionate about something else. Something philanthropic. Something artistic. Something athletic. Just. Something.


For me, it’s music and football (not the North American version). In that order.

Music was my first love. I started writing songs and lyrics when I was a teenager. My band, Corrupt Ideals, was banned from ever playing another show at my highschool because we gave a pull-no-punches performance of four Sex Pistols songs, complete with profanity. In my early 20s, a band I was in, called Boo Hoo, got produced and cut a 4-song EP. It went nowhere. But, like advertising, you deal with rejection and move on.


Nowadays, I’ve embraced technology to help me create music from loops and samples - along with some original instrumentation. You can check out my musical alter ego Devon Harlow here on Soundcloud. I think you’ll find there’s something for pretty much every musical taste. Except jazz. I don’t do jazz.

And, on a final note, let's go Manchester United and Toronto FC!

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